Indiana Archaeology

Archaeology’s status as a popular social science has played an important role in providing a window into the past. Here in Indiana, archaeologists have been able to do extensive projects that allow Hoosiers to engage with previous occupants of the state. From Mississippian Native American towns to Abraham Lincoln’s cabin, Indiana archaeologists’ efforts have yielded a diverse array of sites that are critical to the state’s history and loaded with significant artifacts.

This tour highlights ten stops throughout Indiana that have a prominent relationship to the field of archaeology. Each of these places will showcase archaeological projects in some fashion, from ongoing research to fully procured artifacts. Discover Indiana invites you to take a journey across the 19th state and investigate sites where important Indiana archaeology has happened and is still taking place!

Please keep in mind that each tour is by no means a comprehensive list of sites in Indiana related to each theme. Please be respectful of private property lines when visiting each of these sites.

Angel Mounds State Historic Site

Five to seven hundred years ago, the area we now call Angel Mounds State Historic Site was a thriving Mississippian Indian town. Built between A.D. 1100 and 1300, the town was occupied by one thousand to three thousand inhabitants until its…

Mounds State Park

From Native American mounds to merry-go-rounds, Mounds State Park attests to the varied history of Indiana. Named after the numerous Native American-constructed mounds dotting the park, these features drove the preservation of this land and the…

Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology

The Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology is a research center situated at Indiana University in Bloomington. The lab houses several ongoing archaeological research projects (both student and professional) as well as multiple collections. The…

Indiana State Museum

The Indiana State Museum (ISM) and its affiliated historic sites work to preserve and protect Indiana historical and archaeological resources. The museum itself contains exhibits examining the state's prehistory, history, and culture. The ISM…

River Road Park

River Road Park has two major archaeology-related attractions. The playground set contains a unique play-place experience with archaeology as it's main inspiration. It is equipped with slides, rock climbing structures, and (most noticeably) a…

Strawtown Koteewi Park

Located just north of Indianapolis in Hamilton County, Strawtown Koteewi Park has housed several peoples. As far back as 1000 BC, the Woodland Era Native Americans lived in the area before eventually giving way to Oliver Phase Native Americans. More…

Tippecanoe Battlefield

To resist the growing number of white settlers in the Indiana Territory, Shawnee brothers Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa (“The Prophet”) formed a Confederacy of Indian nations, choosing a settlement near the junction of the Wabash and Tippecanoe rivers…

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

Built on the site where Thomas Lincoln’s family lived from 1816 to 1830, the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial commemorates President Abraham Lincoln’s formative years in Indiana. While Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky and established his…

Fort Ouiatenon

Fort Ouiatenon is a former French outpost and trading site that was built along the Wabash River and active from 1717 to 1791. Dr. Richard B. Weatherill, a popular physician in nearby Lafayette, IN, purchased the site of the fort in 1928 and had a…

Falls of the Ohio State Park

Established in 1990, the Falls of the Ohio State Park encompasses a rich cultural and natural history unlike anywhere else along the Ohio or Mississippi rivers. Between the start of the Ohio River near Pittsburgh, PA and the confluence of the…